A Very Special Disney Collaboration...
In celebration of Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Heritage Month, Disney Plus partnered with artist Aloha de Mele to create a special piece based on beloved Disney story, Moana.
Check out their official social post.


Disney Moana 

"Mahalo nui loa Disney Plus for helping me fulfill a childhood dream and allowing me to share my take on this beloved Disney movie in celebration of Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month! It has been such an amazing feeling to use references from my own culture and surroundings to create this custom piece. The Asian & Pacific Islander Stories Collection is streaming on Disney Plus including more of my favorite Disney characters and movies."



Since the original image created for Disney cannot be sold, a Moana inspired Tita Bun has been created and aded to the "On My Mind" series for a forever home.

Moana On My Mind
- JT